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Volkswagen Case Study

Volkswagen Group, also known as Volkswagen AG, has been around for 83 years with their core values as a company being recognized every...

Journey map

Introduction - Familiarising with Social Ecological Enterprise - Business functionality compared to a typical for-profit business -...

Is this the best company?

The last few years we all heard about the American electric vehicle and clean energy company Tesla and it is huge growth. There are...

Just make a step forward

Just imagine being standing on a stage with thousands of people in front of you where you have to perform about the most thing you are...

Hidden opportunities

In the beginning of 2020 out of the blues we all have experienced the roller-coaster of the impact of the World wide pandemic. The...

"The Science of What Makes People Care"

This article is one of the most interesting articles you could find on the internet as it talks about the myth behind five key principles...

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